Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, charm and gaiety to life and to everything. – Plato We use music in our everyday lives [...]
Think about the lens of an autofocus camera. Regardless of the distance, the focus adjusts itself in milliseconds to bring the object into sharp clarity and perfect focus. Now, imagine if you [...]
In today’s hectic information-filled world, it is hard to find the time to relax and enjoy life. Whether you are a 40-hours-a-week employee or an overworked entrepreneur with his or her [...]
We get it. You want to continue to learn and develop your skills, but you just can’t seem to find the time to fit it into your busy schedule. No matter what stage you are at in your career, [...]
Your brain is like a muscle. Without going to the gym and feeding your muscles with the right food, they simply won’t grow. The same applies to your brain. Without giving it any care and [...]
Do you have a productivity problem? You know; you procrastinate, you’re unfocused, and you quit on your goals. At the same time, to become successful, you need to figure out how to become [...]
The most productive people aren’t more effective because they have more time during the day, but because they make every minute count. Throughout the day, all of us have idle (or “down”) [...]
Put an average Joe next to someone of success and you’ll find that the latter had more knowledge to get to where they are today. While there’s only so much time in the day to learn new [...]
Our brains are incredible landscapes that medical science is just beginning to understand. They are made up of a vast territory of firing neurons bathed in chemicals that enable us to inhabit our [...]
Positive thinking sounds useful on the surface. (Most of us would prefer to be positive rather than negative.) But, “positive thinking” is also a soft and fluffy term that is easy to [...]