Do you have a productivity problem?
You know; you procrastinate, you’re unfocused, and you quit on your goals.
At the same time, to become successful, you need to figure out how to become productive.
Fortunately, others are leading the way. Successful people like entrepreneurs, top politicians, and other thought leaders have figured out how they should manage their time to achieve what they set out to do.
So how do you move forward on your goals? Read on to learn what successful people do every day to stay productive.
1. They love what they do
Do you think people like Mark Zuckerberg, Hillary Clinton or Elon Musk would be where they are today if they didn’t truly enjoy what they do?
Probably not.
It’s incredibly hard to push through if all you can think about is how boring or meaningless a task is.
In fact, research shows that employees are 12% more productive if they’re happy. This goes to show that work satisfaction does have a huge effect on how productive you are.
2. They wake up early
People who’re productive tend to get up early in the morning. Take Benjamin Franklin, Richard Branson, or Barack Obama. They all had or have a habit of rising early.
It’s evident that getting up in the wee hours is good for your productivity. The reason is simple: you usually have more energy and self-control right after you wake up.
But how do you ensure a productive morning?
Easy, develop a morning routine.
This could be a quick 15-minute exercise session. Or it could simply be a shower, stretching or a cup of coffee.
3. They work less, not more
In this day and age, business is a badge of honor. The busier you are, the better.
While it might intuitively feel like you get more done if you work more, the reverse is true. You get more done by working less.
According to a famous study by K. A. Erickson, elite performers rarely work for more than 4.5 hours a day.
They batch their tasks into 90-minute sessions. Between these sessions, they have 20-30-minute pauses. This way, they can focus solely on the task at hand, instead of becoming tired and unfocused.
So start tracking the amount of time you spend on your tasks. Start with your most important work in the morning, work in sessions and leave all tasks that don’t require much willpower or focus to the afternoon.
4. They take care of themselves
In the same sense that we glorify business, we tend to assume that successful people don’t take care of themselves.
But the opposite is true!
One of the main reasons successful people are so productive is that they take care of themselves. They know that the key to productivity and success is to keep everything from your health to your finances in check.
For example, exercise has a massive impact on your productivity and financial stress makes it almost impossible to function in a productive way.
So make sure to first take care of yourself and only then focus on being productive and successful.
5. They keep track of their goals
Successful people don’t work aimlessly on a project. Instead, they set goals and work systematically to achieve them.
Instead of having vague goals that they might achieve in the future, they sit down and plan goals for the day, week, month, year and beyond. Once they have their goals figured out, they come back to their goals on a regular basis.
You should do the same. Start today by listing goals you want to achieve tomorrow, next week, next month, in a year and in 5 years. Then keep track of them as you move forward.
6. They don’t multitask
Successful people master the art of focus. One way of doing that is to never multitask.
Studies show that your brain gets overwhelmed when you’re working on multiple tasks at the same time. Instead of focusing on one task, it divides its attention between all the tasks.
This is a major problem in our digital age.
In fact, a study by the University of London shows that your IQ suffers more if you multitask than if you smoke marijuana.
Want to be productive? Focus only on the task at hand.
7. They see the big picture
It’s easy to get stuck on details. But too much focus on the details means that you lose sight of the big picture.
Successful people know this to be true. Take Jason Fried. He admits that details are important, but getting stuck means that you lose momentum. You become de-motivated and you quit.
Instead, you need to ship early. Focus first on the big picture and only later on the details.
Over to You!
We’ve looked at 7 things successful people do every way to stay productive.
Now there’s just one more thing to do:
Apply what you’ve learned!
Take a few minutes to brainstorm how you can become more productive with these tips.
Successful people use them every day. If you want to achieve your goals, you should too!
Featured photo credit: Dan Cooper via
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