Life is so much better when we are happy. It just seems to be easier to get through the day when you feel good. Some people just seem to have a better life because they are happy most of the time.
I have often wondered why some people are happier in life. I found out that there are 20 simple habits that happy people have. If you try to do these things in your daily life, you will be a happier person.
Here we go – 20 happy habits!
1. They spend time with other happy people
The people you hang out with have a big impact on your life. There are even studies conducted to prove that if you hang out with happy people, you will feel happier too. By surrounding yourself with happy and positive people, you will be happier too.
2. They think positive
Happy people thing positive about almost everything. Positive thoughts keep you happy. Smile and think happy things. It will improve your mood, and over time even your life.
3. They try to be happy
Although it might sound just like the previous point, this one is slightly different. Just thinking positive thoughts is important; however, being happy with your whole body and soul takes more effort. The results from the positive thinking are also important, so think about your actions before you act them out.
4. They develop the ability to recover
Recovering from bad news or bad events is a key component to being happy. You need to be able to recover in order to stay happy in life. A lot of bad things will happen in life. Only the truly strong ones can get up after being knocked down and keep their life going. Try do develop a positive attitude and recovering will become easier.
5. They look for positive achievements
Being happy when you reach a goal is important. To feel truly happy, you need to look for even the smallest of achievements. For example, I try to eat healthier. When I drink a glass of water instead of soda, that’s an achievement. No matter how small it may seem, celebrate every little positive event.
6. They are grateful for little things
Happy people enjoy and appreciate little things in life, like a beautiful day, the flowers in the park, or even a cup of tea. You will feel a lot better when you are happy with all the little things around you. Be grateful for what you have, even if it isn’t much.
7. They give
Good deeds are a trigger for the development of dopamine. Yes, helping other people out makes you physically and mentally happier. Positive people will want to help other people. Helping others by giving (especially by giving your time) will make you feel happier and more satisfied with your life.
8. They forget about time
You know that feeling when you are doing something with all your attention? It is only after several hours that you realize you still have a life to go back to. That feeling of losing track of time can make you feel truly successful. Happy people develop the habit of doing things in their daily life, where they can lose track of time. These things usually require our full attention and we enjoy them tremendously. To feel happy, find yourself a hobby or even a job where you can give your full attention because you simply enjoy doing it.
9. They prefer meaningful conversation
Although there is nothing wrong with small talk, happy people would rather talk about the deeper things in life. If you want to feel happier, try talking about how you feel or about something you are passionate about. Asking about the weather is not wrong, but it won’t fill you with the satisfaction of a deeper conversation.
10. They spend money on others
The feeling you get of making someone smile because you gave them the perfect gift, is one of the best feelings in the world. Spending money on other people can make you feel really happy. Happy people are not stingy, they share with other people. So, share, spend money on others, and be happy!
11. They listen
Naturally, we all want to talk and be heard. Happy people; however, also listen. When you listen, you can get to really know people, how they think, and what they feel. You can also gain more knowledge and enjoy their experiences. Listening is also the key to good relationships. Learn how to listen, it will improve you and your relationships with others.
12. They keep in touch
Happy people want to know how their friends are doing. They keep in touch to keep the friendship alive. It is easy to text, call, or email a friend, and it is important to do so; however, if you want to be more personal, write a letter to let them so they know you’re thinking of them. Ultimately, personal contact is the most important. While not all out friends live around the corner, still try and plan a trip to visit them once in a while.
13. They appreciate music
Music has a big influence on us. Whether we like it or not, music reflects our mood, and vice versa. Happy people mainly listen to music with a positive message and they love it. Listen to happy music to make you feel better and appreciate it.
14. They disconnect
Humans are not made to be living on technology all day. Happy people know this and take a time out for themselves. Turn off your phone, leave your laptop in your room, and hide the remotes. Instead, simply enjoy some peaceful time to yourself to relax and unwind. Your body needs it!
15. They live with purpose
People who feel happy have a purpose in life. They are spiritually engaged in life. They take the time to think about the deeper things in life. Pondering over questions that you have about life is a good way to be in touch with your spiritual side. Live with a reason.
16. They exercise
Happy people love endorphins. These little friends help us feel happier. When you workout, your body releases endorphins, which in turn relieves symptoms of depression, anxiety, and frustration.
17. They go for a walk
Yes, it can be this easy. Happy people walk. When you feel tired, go for a walk. The fresh air and blood flow stimulates your brain. Besides, nature is truly beautiful, so why wouldn’t you want to go outside!
18. They wake up slowly
Having enough sleep is one of those things we all know is important for our health. However, what about when we wake up? Happy people stay in bed. This may sound a little off, but there is a study that shows that running out of bed to do things is not actually all that good for you. Waking up slowly, and taking a little while to get out of bed, is important to get the most out of your day.
19. They laugh
Happy people know that laughing truly is a medicine. When you laugh, your brain releases hormones, which lower your pain level. So, try to laugh more. It really makes you feel happier.
20. They take wider steps
Although it might sound weird, taking wider steps is an automatic thing you do. You can’t help it. When you feel happy, your pace gets wider. Your brain does all the work for you.
Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via
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